Glass Biography
I was roughly 10 when my family went to upstate New York for a reunion. While on that trip we visited the prestigious Corning Museum of Glass. I recall being mesmerized by the artwork and took home a small glass cross from the gift shop that day. I’ll never forget that the glass was half smooth half sandblasted. I was obsessed with the dichotomy and would constantly rub my fingers across the face of the piece. Little did I know how much impact that tiny pendant would have on my life long term.
Wait…perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself….Or perhaps not. Let’s stay at 10 year old. Do you remember that kid at the campfire that just couldn’t resist playing with flaming sticks? Well that was me. I was that kid. And several decades later I’m still playing in that fire. Just playing and laughing while having all the fun dancing with the flame.
It's well known that I practice a menagerie of creative mediums, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that glass is the most difficult. The most humbling. But man when you “Stick The Landing” as I like to say, the result is nothing short of magic. Just the simple process of taking a solid object, turning it into a liquid, then letting it cool back to solid form, will never stop amazing me. I can also say that like most other glass artisans, I have a love/hate relationship with the medium. Some days I swear I’ll do it forever, other day’s I want to take an ax to my entire studio. It’s an emotional rollercoaster with no comparison.
When you look at my body of work you’ll see the influence of that early trip to Corning. You’ll also see many impressions from the contemporary Boro Pipe Movement, as well as ascetics taken from my love of vintage items and American Graffiti Culture. Basically, I see glass as a limitless world. A place where my imagination can roam free. It’s my happy place when my other happy place's aren't happy placing. And that's about the best way I can explain it.
Glass Journalism
Once upon a time I covered Glassblowing. Click below to read some of my favorite articles from that very special era.