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     There's no need to wax poetics about these stunning pieces. Their beauty and grace speaks for itself. Every time I wear one in public complete strangers stop me on the street & compliment it.

It's not a crowd stopper, it's a crowd captivator. 

      The day I moved to Florida my new apartment had a bush with thousands of air plants growing on it. Day's later I made the first Alive Air Plant Pendant. Ever since it's been a personal favorite in my creative arsenal. In the whole of the universe, nothing is more rare and special than life. That said it can be easy to lose sight of that fact in our darkest moments. And that's where these truly take on a deeper context. For what other artistic offering allows someone to pass on a small reminder of just how sacred life is. A subtle way to say "Your life matters." to a friend, family member or loved one.


      Please check my store for current availability.  

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