20 years ago I founded my record label Dove Ink inside the padded walls of Ohio States University's mental institution. At 14 I started growing my first set of dreadlocks & didn’t shed them till they reached the ground. I went from having a learning disability in the disciplines of reading & writing, to publishing articles in world wide publications. I’ve often referred to myself as The Last American Folk Lore, an Artistic Decathlete, The King Of The Jungle…..and I’m forthright and confident enough to tell you I believe in these statements humbly yet full heartedly.
I was young when I had a vision to touch the world, then I went & lived it. I made beats, wrote songs, designed posters, directed videos. I rocked shows, touched souls and tore my heart out center stage at every given opportunity. I knocked on every door I could, and when they didn’t open, I’d kick them in. I went viral before the era of algorithms and AI. It was organic, chosen by the people. In fact for a brief moment, my music was the voice of the people. It was beautiful, it was blessed, and it was bound to come to an end.
My creative hiatus began with being called to duty as a caretaker for my father, continued through the renovation of a new creative space during covid, and is only now coming to a close as I reemerge after the longest break in my career. It’s been a cathartic conundrum finding my way back to myself. A lot of the old me needed to die. I said a lot of goodbyes. Some of the most important being to myself. I had to find a way to burry toxic behaviors yet still roar in the manner the leader of the pride must at times.I had to find a way to first recognize, then process, and ultimately share my SCARS.
Aaron Evans (Auto)Biography
There’s a lot of other creative offerings coming down the pipeline. From glass to design to several unheard instrumental projects, but for now everything has come full circle back to The Word. For it is my beginning & my end. I have some really powerful & important topics to bring to the table. This is the first album since my debut that I’ve tackled both the vocals & production. The result is a personal masterpiece. I’m gonna say it. Because if I don’t say it and believe it, then no one else will. This is a new era. It’s time to share The Stories Of The Lion. At 44 I’m just hitting my prime. If you don’t believe me, show up at the gym at 6am & I’ll kick your ass (*Figuratively speaking, you Hip Hop cat’s love too take shit too far. LOL)
Being totally honest, I’m just really excited to get back into the game. I have the butterflies again. And I always used to tell the rookies, the butterflies only mean you care. I almost forgot that feeling. But right now, everything seems brand new, in the best way possible. I’ve found a balance I didn’t know existed and I’m grateful for each breath I once took for granted. There’s a lot of work to be done. But I’m here for it. All of it. Because when our light fades, the work is what stays.
So here’s the 1,167,433 biography I’ve written in my life.
It’s honest and from the heart. As is everything I do.
Whatever path led you here I’m grateful for your presence.
My only request is that if anything my heart shares connects with yours,
Please share it with others.
Aaron Evans
Stories Of The Lion
Notable Carrier Accomplishments
-Co-Founder of Dove Ink records with notable acts like Illogic, DaVu, Bru Lei, Ill Poetic, The Green Brothers and Others.
-25+ published articles in both regional and world wide magazines covering famous artist such as Laceface, JAG, JOP, Chad G, Dwreck, Ryno, Slinger, DJ Drez, Etc...
-Internationally recognized for We All Work, the viral music video sensation featured on Huffington Post, Upworthy and countless others publications.
-Designer of The Blue Lagoon. An immersive studio living experience.
-Appears on Opera Star Amy Owens's debut album.
-Conceptualized the artwork for the groundbreaking Write to Death 2 album cover.
-Dedicated activist having volunteered and donated artistic services to everything from Environmental Awareness & Political Campaigns to Homeless Outreach & Marijuana Legalization. I take great pride in being a 3rd generation activist.
-Over 17 music videos with many more currently in production.
-Blossoming Interiour Designer with a growing portfolio of innovative, forward thinking projects. Knowing for having a knack for both ascetics and organization each new space brings infinite opportunities to help the client fully express themselfs.